Oct 24, 2019
Falcons Are Favorites
Son lives in mountains and falcons are frequent flyers there. Against the background of Pike's Peak, the predatory birds soar over the open fields looking for prey. Once a ground squirrel is spotted, the falcon circles ever lower until the final descent to clinch the hapless animal with its powerful talons. The entire hunt may take just a few seconds, but to observers it's almost balletic and so graceful to behold. My son never tires of watching this spectacle, and I gave him the falcon necklace to remind him of the power and beauty of Nature's forces.
Feb 21, 2022
The power of a dragon
This is a stunning piece for anyone (of any gender) who loves dragons or who could benefit from the energy of a dragon. I am a woman and found this pendant very appealing, so I bought it for myself. The pendant's narrow rectangular shape combines with the coiling border to provide an elegant frame for the dragon, which is 3-D and so detailed that you can almost see it moving sinuously. If you wanted to, you could treat the pendant as reversible, because the rear side also has the elegant coiling border, and a design of circles and dots.