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Ordering from NOVICA is easy! Once you find an item you would like to purchase, simply click the "Add to Cart" button in that product's description page. You can check the contents of your shopping cart at any time by clicking the "Cart" button at the top of the page. If you decide to remove an item from your cart, just click "Delete" to the right of the product you would like to remove. You can also adjust the quantity of any product in your shopping cart. To do this, type in the new quantity and click on the "Update Quantity" button at the bottom of the shopping cart page. Assuming the quantity you have requested is available, you will now see the adjusted quantities as well as your new subtotal (if you enter a quantity that is greater than the quantity available, your purchase quantity will reflect the maximum quantity available).
If you are ordering an item coming from an international location, you will receive an email with tracking information once the order reaches the UK.
If you placed an order more than 10 days ago and would like to find out the status, please click here to submit a status enquiry. A member of our customer service team will reply with information about your order, such as if it has been despatched or when we expect despatch to take place.
Alternatively, you can check the status by accessing your MyNovica account. Once signed in, navigate to the Orders & Returns section.
NOVICA accepts payment by credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover). We also accept payment by PayPal. Please note that credit cards will be charged only after an order has shipped from our fulfillment centre, although an authorisation will be obtained at the time the order is placed.
On average, orders arrive to the destination address in 2-3 weeks. The delivery time will depend primarily on two factors: item availability and shipping service.
Item Availability:
Unless otherwise noted, all items available for purchase on the website are in stock. Items that are backordered contain a note indicating this fact as well as the expected delivery time frame.
Shipping Service:
During checkout, we will show you a list of available shipping services and their corresponding prices and timeframes. You may also view shipping charges and timeframes through the "Calculate Shipping" link in the shopping cart. Note some items carry a special delivery timeframe that may differ from that of other items from the same region -- these items are clearly labeled with the special timeframe on the product detail page (as well as in checkout).
If we determine that we will not be able to deliver an order within the promised timeframe, we will immediately contact you via email.
Refunds will be available for up to 60 days from the day you receive your order. You must request a Returned Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number during this 60-day period to qualify for a refund.
To request an RMA number online, please log in to your myNOVICA account, visit the Orders & Returns section, and locate the order that contains the item(s) you would like to return. If your return is in any way a result of an error by NOVICA, we will cover all applicable shipping costs paid on the product(s) you are returning. You may also obtain an RMA number by submitting a return enquiry here.
If the return is not the result of an error by NOVICA, you will be responsible for all shipping and gift box costs incurred for the order and any costs associated with returning the item(s). Please send your return using a reliable carrier that offers tracking. It is strongly recommended that you insure the package, as you will be responsible for ensuring that all items arrive at the returns centre in their original condition.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Refunds will not be issued if the returned products have been damaged or altered in any way before arriving at the returns centre.
No refunds will be available after the 60-day returns period has expired
For more information on how to return items, please visit the Returns section of this page