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Abstract Oil Painting, "Harmonies of Serenity"

Product ID: 457931

Rich blue, rose and turquoise tones mingle in a painting of exquisite harmony. Evoking infinite depth, Leonidas Zavaleta creates a canvas of... more


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Rich blue, rose and turquoise tones mingle in a painting of exquisite harmony. Evoking infinite depth, Leonidas Zavaleta creates a canvas of mesmerizing beauty. Characteristically, mist lends a mystical aspect to an abstract landscape.

Titled "Armonías de serenidad" in Spanish. Please note: per the artist's preference, this work is not signed on the front side.

  • 1.51 kgs
  • 3.3 lbs

  • Oil on canvas
  • Arrives unframed
  • Unstretched
  • Made in Peru
  • Ships fast from USA
  • Product ID: 457931
  • Price includes VAT.
  • We will also cover duty and any import fees for items shipped from outside the United Kingdom.

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