Sep 29, 2019
My third one! Yes, they're that good!
I bought the first one for myself as a confirmation gift because one of our Deacons, in a class for new Catholics, said every Catholic home must have a few things - one of them was a statue or photo or painting, etc., of our Blessed Mother Mary. I bought the second for a woman in my Bible study, who is from Peru and just moved into a new home. I bought the third one for my sister, because when she saw a photo of mine, she fell in love with it - not for the religious appeal, but from a folk art perspective - and after looking at many online, I can't agree more. I watched the video of how the artisan makes the retablo and it added even greater value to it. I simply love them. I love the scene behind Mary - the high mountains, and the flowers, in a wooden box with doors. I mounted mine on a wall in my home office and see it from where I sit. I'm buying the next one as a thank you gift for a close friend who I will be visiting in a few weeks.
Jan 11, 2020
Can't wait to share with others
For past two years have hosted a "Nativity Open House" with depictions from many countries/cultures. I especially like the cultural reference of the hat shop below. Just as many of us learn the story of room made for the Holy Family in the animal's shelter, this shows room made for the birth and adoration of Jesus where a family makes their livelihood.
Christ, the Prince of Peace
With her usual consummate artistry and imagination, Erika Ulloa offers a prayer for peace in her depiction of the birth of the Christ Child changing soldiers from agents of war into bringers of aid and comfort. For me at least, this takes 'just another nativity scene in my collection" to an instrument of contemplation and of motivation for working for social change. It is a true work of art, that changes the viewer.