Even while in repose, this elephant's enormous strength inspires awe. Highly revered because of their importance to monarchs and religious figures, elephants appear in many Thai proverbs and sayings. Painting celadon ceramics since adolescence, Kanda is an expert in the traditional craft. She hopes to pass her knowledge on to others to preserve the ancient secrets of this difficult skill. This piece makes a wonderful gift.
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This piece I bought for my my daughter... she loves the strength and gentleness of this majestic creature. This piece was beautifully crafted and very substantial....I knew she would love it
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This adorable elephant carving was given as a gift
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This s truly a striking figurine, and taller than I expected. The cat is so sleek and graceful, and the way it twists its shoulders around (creating shadows on its body!) is done so beautifully that one can sense its lithe muscularity. Just a superb representation of the animal.
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