Apr 6, 2017
Touched My Heart
Seji Taram's talent and her story touched my heart. Her husband would be proud of how she is carrying on his legacy, and she is a wonderful artist in her own right. My Winged Dragon is so beautifully carved in such exquisite detail. I love it. And I love that she signed it, and her signature will remind me that we can survive loss and move forward in life. Thank you, Seji Taram, you are amazing!
Dec 21, 2022
My Best Friend Loves Them!
My lifelong friend in Australia and I share a fondness for your ducks. She sent me a pair several years ago, and I've since sent her a pair for her beach house, and these Santa Ducks for Christmas. They're quite precious! Looking forward to any further new designs you may come up with in the future!