Best Anniversary Gift Ever!
My husband purchased a beautiful handmade hammock (Durango) for me as a gift. It's not only beautiful and perfectly matching my just completed remodel of my lovely front yard but it's also very comfortable. My grand kids loooooove to hang out on it with me to relax and read books every afternoon. They keep telling me that once the weather gets to cold to be outside we should move it indoor...we may as well...
Nov 23, 2021
Fantastic Hammock!
I love setting this up and wrapping myself inside on a cool summer evening. The craftsmanship is amazing! I was quite pleased by the intricacies and attention to detail. It is soft and amazingly versatile to lay in. I am 6' 2" and have no problem laying in it any way I choose. It comes with ropes to tie to trees and hooks to attach the hammock with. I leave the ropes in the trees and remove the hammock when I'm not using it because the wind where I live is strong and I found that it can get tangled if left to the weather. Best to take care of prized possessions like this that were made with love. I can feel the spirit of the artists who made it. It is the most peaceful and comfortable hammock I've ever used. I highly recommend to anyone who thinks they might use something like this.