Ring of Fabulosity
Every year I try to buy myself one nice piece of jewelry around my birthday. When I went to the website looking for a gift for someone else, I kept coming back to this ring. When I received it I put it on for an hour, sitting on the couch just loving the way it made me feel. I'm self-conscious about other areas of my body but I do have large hands and long fingers, and with the right outfit and decent manicure, this is a piece of jewelry is a confidence builder; one that as much as admire it's uniqueness I can appreciate my uniqueness. While not something I can wear every day, I look forward to putting in on for special occasions, like a formal dinner for a business conference later this summer and most definitely for my birthday later this month. This will be the first time I will have purchase a dress to compliment a piece of jewelry instead of the other way around. Thank you for designing this piece.
Mar 18, 2018
Like a Pendant of Blue Sky
Expertly crafted by Arpana, this silver and larimar necklace is a real treasure. The detailed leaves and vines set off the light blue larimar stone beautifully and instantly made me think of the children's classic, "The Secret Garden". The chain can be easily removed and substituted with a chain of a different length, style, or material but is lovely as is. I will enjoy wearing this year round, but especially on our dark dreary winter days!