Novica presents a Leather Handbag line created by some of the world's most skilled leather craftsmen. Our leather handbags are made predominantly with leather, and also contain fabric, silk, cotton, and natural fiber finishing.
Brazil's Maos da Prata Association is a group female artisans from Brazil dedicated to the production of leather bags and accessories. Many of their stunning handmade pieces are featured in our Leather Handbag gallery. They offer a plethora of handbag styles, including the highly versatile
baguette handbag and the
black leather handbag.
Renzo Dante Costa also contributes to our line of leather handbags. The Peruvian artisan distinguishes his pieces through his use of functional straps, pockets, and zippers in his collection of
brown handbags. So whether you are in the market for a matching pair of
leather shoulder bags or the perfect leather backpack, Costa has just the right accessory for you.
We hope you enjoy!